Hello there!

My name is Carla. I’m originally from Venezuela and I’ve been living in Spain since 2016.

I consider myself a language-agnostic software engineer and I’m now a Developer Advocate. I enjoy creating content, going on bike rides and hanging out with my dog Dasha.

Now the long story…

I was born in Venezuela. There I studied Computer Engineering at my beloved alma mater, the Universidad Simón Bolívar., and in 2016 I moved to Spain to study a Master’s in Data Science at Universitat de Valencia.

When I started my professional career I wasn’t sure about what I wanted to do. I started as an android developer, I built Ruby on Rails and Django APIs, and after a few years I decided to go to Spain and pursue a Master’s in Data Science, which had nothing to do with software development, but I still gave it a try.

In the meantime, I worked in a few different start-ups and lots of different technologies. Then, I joined XING where I spent almost 4 years and where I grew the most as an engineer. I actually wrote about my journey to becoming a Sr. Software Engineer there.

I started writing in my blog, creating content, and giving talks and realized it was something I truly enjoyed, so I decided to learn more about DevRel and Developer Advocacy.

In August 2022 I joined Auth0 as a Sr. Developer Advocate 🥹. I’m learning a lot about my new role and I’m very excited for what’s coming ahead.